Asset Labelling, Marketing and Advertising

Transform your business asset management with QR codes – offering fast and accurate identification. QR codes boost efficiency, reduce errors, and simplify day-to-day marketing, advertising and asset identification. A QR scan provides instant access to essential details of your business assets. Apply QR codes to streamline detail of car sales, property descriptions on agent boards, office equipment, and general asset identification.

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Corporate package - Static

A static QR Code is a QR Code that, once generated, cannot be overwritten.
It can be used to describe an item or reference a URL.
From R100.00

Corporate package - Dynamic

A dynamic QR code is a QR Code that, once generated, the reference value can be overwritten.
A user can change the text, URL, whatsapp and the QR image will remain the same.
From R200.00

Asset Labelling, Marketing and Advertising

Moveable property such as a bike or house content
From R98.99